January 20, 17:53
We knew it we had a neat application going with Ta-da, but the last 24 hours since launch have really showed just how neat people think it is. We already have thousands of people signed up with tens of thousands of items recorded in their lists.
And the server isn't even breaking a sweat (load averages: 0.07, 0.03, 0.02). The caching additions to Rails have really made a huge difference and its fun to watch the logs race past your eyes with entries like "Completed in 0.003394 (294 reqs/sec)".
A huge part of this early success is due to the fantastic uptake by a bunch of bloggers. We're tracking it on a public list called Ta-da mentions and I believe that the count is already 42. The blogosphere can sure launch a project like nothing else. Thanks, all of you.
In addition to the bloggers, we're now #1 on del.icio.us / popular with just under 300 tracks at the time of writing.
Challenge by Peter Cooper on January 20, 22:04
What sort of servers are you guys running for Ta-Da and/or BaseCamp? BTW, well done! Yet more proof that even simple things can be big if they're done right.
Challenge by Dion Almaer on January 20, 23:41
Hi -
Thanks a lot for coming up with the service. I hate to be gready, but if the RSS feed for all of my lists would also contain the entire list info each time (as I mention on my blog: http://www.almaer.com/blog/archives/000648.html) then I would be even happier. I know that I can have an RSS feed for a list too though... this would just be extra cool.
Challenge by David on January 21, 16:54
If I could make one tiny request...
I like to know when I added something to my todo list and when I "done" it. :)
Challenge by Bart Braem on January 21, 19:03
Just wanted to say I'm sorry if Slashdot harms your server, on the other hand it's very nice PR... Enjoy the show!
Challenge by george on February 14, 17:42
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