May 30, 18:10 | Comments (8)
I'm incredibly proud to present the first public release of Active Record — an implementation of the pattern by the same name for object-relational mapping. I've entitled this release Three-Quarters to reflect the fact that Active Record has been in production use on Basecamp for more than three months and used during the many months of development before that. Additionally, it's been used by around five beta testers in a number of different projects. So even though I'm not ready to declare it 1.0 out of the gates, it is indeed a solid release.
It also marks the first step towards releasing the web-application framework Rails, which I've been hyping and talking about for some time now. Active Record is the model part of Rails and contains around two-thirds of the code in the framework. So if you want to get ready for making Rails applications, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with Active Record.
Further more, I'd like to extend my thanks to Luke Holden, Jamis Buck, Aredidel, Guan Yang, and Lau Tårnskov for helping me make this release a reality. All your help and suggestions have been much appreciated!
Find more information and links to downloads on the official website and on the API site.
May 27, 17:17 | Comments (0)
Aredridel has been one of the beta testers on my Active Record object-relational mapping package that's going to be released in the very near future. It's the model part of Rails and about two thirds of all the code in the framework. So naturally, I'm very interested in feedback, and Aredridel provides just that in his Annoyances with ActiveRecord (currently down, try google cache).
May 23, 19:52 | Comments (18)
Just as a business opportunity involving a trip to Seattle shows promise, I spot this posting of Seattle Area Secrets. What a treat. If it pans out, I'll be sure to get some Danish Icecream at FarFar's, a smoked Salmon at Ivar's, and perhaps even hear a wolf haul. Personal recommendations for places to go are a lot more interesting than glossy, paid ones in your regular travel magazines.
May 15, 21:37 | Comments (6)
Bachelor's project deadline is creeping eerily close. With the amount of work left to do, most people would probably experience a healthy amount of stress. But how can I feel stress when the lovely girlfriend pops in just in the middle of writing to deliver this:
May 14, 19:19 | Comments (42)
My wonderful hosts from Roskilde University has completed the editing process on the footage from my Ruby on Rails, Take II presentation. It's a two-hour show split into a 1-hour presentation followed by a 1-hour tutorial.

If your default player won't eat that, Quicktime will play the feed. Copy rtsp://, pick Open URL in New Player, paste, enjoy.
UPDATE: If streaming doesn't work for you, a downloadable version (160MB / MPEG-4) is available.
May 14, 13:47 | Comments (12)
With my work on Rails and the bachelor's project deadline in less than a week, I've had less than no time to work on bringing Instiki further towards an important 1.0 release. That doesn't mean my love for the project has went away. Far from it.
May 12, 18:35 | Comments (0)
Graduation is less than a month and just two exams away. I look forward to getting my diploma, but more so all the books I'll get the relief to read. That might sound like a paradox: ending education by reading more books? The problem is that while most courses are interesting, they're often not the most interesting thing I could do with my time at a given point in time.
May 12, 0:52 | Comments (34)
Active Record is doing a lot of magic to simplify associations between objects and their records in the database. Ruby is making this particularly easy due to ability of running methods during class definitions, which makes for instant domain specific languages.
May 11, 22:14 | Comments (5)
I just uploaded the Keynote slides in PDF from the Ruby on Rails Take II presentation. They're a bit more inclusive than the first presentation I did with a closer view at Basecamp, what we did, and how it was received. It also includes code snippets that reflect the current state of the Rails framework.

It'll probably make more sense viewing this alongside the video recording of me presenting it. But since I don't know when that'll be done, I thought you might like to skim through this in the meanwhile.
May 11, 21:42 | Comments (8)
I've been a bad blogger and a bad evangelist for Rails with this silent treatment of late. It's not been for lack of progress, though. The presentation of Rails at Roskilde University last Thursday went smashing. Lots of interested nods. A happy sponsor and a handshake from the head honcho at the faculty. Good times. A video of the two-hour show will be coming shortly, I'm promised.