June 30, 20:47 | Comments (8)
Putting on The Building of Basecamp last Friday was a blast. We presented eight hours of material for sold-out crowd of 40 people from as far away as London and Hawaii.
So we want to do it again. That "again" will be September 3rd 17th where I will once again be on the trusty SAS SK944 to Chicago and along side Jason, Ryan, and Matt be talking about web-applications in general and Basecamp in particular. I hope you can come too.
Jason has been collecting a bunch of great quotes and more information about the ReBoB on Signal vs Noise. Including this wonderful short tidbit by Aaron Post:
This workshop has changed the way I think, design and develop web applications. Amazing, truly amazing.
While I can't promise you'll walk away with the same sense of euphoria, we'll do our best to try making it so. Do sign up already today. The last one sold out a month in advance. See you in Chicago!
June 30, 20:30 | Comments (1)
Just after finishing the workshop, I got myself on a plane to Seattle to meet a small team of ex-amazonians with a keen interest in Ruby on Rails. They have a great idea for a web-application/community that has a real shot at moving humanity forward. It's one of those ideas where it's hard to do the two-line pitch, but once reach the fifth paragraph, it sounds awesome. Ogres, onions, and layers!
Anyway, these guys have been looking at the framework that I'm almost breathless from hyping and they're liking what they see. Especially married with the whole Less Software and Say No By Default approach we've been growing with Basecamp. So they flew me out for an extended weekend for my first visit in Seattle. What a great trip. High sun, amazing food, and lots of talking about how to bound their unique vision to a realizable concept that we could build.
I'm sure I'll be talking more about this thing soon enough, so we'll leave the particulars to another time. This is mostly so a tribute post to three guys that showed me an awesome city and an awesome time. Thanks again, guys!
June 27, 8:34 | Comments (20)
The Building of Basecamp workshop turned out to be a great success. The eight hours of the sold-out event flew by with tons of great questions from the audience and a real sense of shared understanding. Besides pushing all of the underlining themes for our development process, including Less Software and Say No By Default, I got plenty of opportunity to push Ruby on Rails.
The split was about 50/50 between developers and designers, so our broad approach spanning individual design techniques (like the yellow fade), to the wonders of MVC as a structure for web-applications, to promotion and pricing of a web-based application went over very well.
So this could easily turn out to be something we'd be interested in repeating. Perhaps even outside Chicago or even the US. So if you have concrete leads on how we could get a venue and gather 50 people at ~$400, we'd certainly be interested in hearing from you.
June 15, 21:01 | Comments (12)
Min ni måneder gamle Powerbook er til salg for 18.500 kr. (men du må da gerne prøve med et andet bud). Det er en 17", G4 1.33ghz, 1GB RAM, 80gb HD maskine, der stort set er identisk til den, som Apple sælger i dag for 25.540 kr. (standard pris + 512MB ekstra RAM) — bortset fra ATI 9600 i stedet for 9700 og altså 1.33ghz i stedet for 1.5ghz.
Den har amerikansk tastatur og altså stadigvæk omkring 4 måneder af sin world-wide garanti tilbage. Så var det noget at spare ca. 7.000 kr. på en rigtig lækker maskine? Send mig en mail.
P.S.: Maskinen er til afhentning d. 21 juni (jeg skal bruge den ind til jeg skal af sted).
June 12, 2:17 | Comments (5)
Since the anticipated New Zealand working vacation didn't pan out, the girl and I will be recreating for a fortnight in Italy instead. More specifically, a week in Venice and a week in Rome from July 1st and forward.
It's amazing how easy it is to book vacations through the net. And even to bargain: Mary pushed an asking price of 130 Euro on one of the hotels down to a clean one hundred with a single email. So it's worth trying to initiate a personal contact before just accepting the offers of the booking engines.
Anyway, we're very much open to suggestions for places to go, spots to see, and restaurants to dine. Got any?
June 09, 16:20 | Comments (19)
Three years of study was concluded yesterday at the Copenhagen Business School when we defended our bachelor's project on Social Software. This also means that I'm done with school at least for now. I realize this with a certain amount of arrogance for turning down a free Master's Degree, but still, there's just too many other opportunities right now that has my attention.
So, I'm now officially a Bachelor of Computer Science and Business Administration. Marvelous!
June 09, 15:00 | Comments (4)
Active Record was released just ten days ago, has so far undergone five additional revisions (adding tons of features), and has been downloaded close to two hundred times. But those are just the numbers. It's much more interesting to hear what the developers using it thinks. Thankfully quite a few of them are willing to share their impressions:
- [Active Record] is one of the coolest and most useful modules I’ve used in any language—Daniel Hobe
- I must stress that Active Record just plain rocks—David Nasby
- I love Active Record, and I have even started using it yet :)—Gavin Kistner
- I must congratulate you on the readability of your code; it took me no more than a couple of hours and I think I've got a handle on how it all works—Tim Bates
- Having browsed through the RDocs, I’d have to say AR is the best-documented Ruby package I’ve seen. Well done!—Gavin Sinclair
- Excellent work so far—Kevin Bullock
Thanks for the encouragement, guys! This certainly helps my motivation for making Active Record the darn best ORM package rapid application development out there.
June 06, 23:52 | Comments (23)
The new version of Instiki ships among other options a native OS X client (2.7 MB), which comes complete with Ruby 1.8 and all the libraries needed to run from a double-click. It's a nice demonstration of how web-applications can blend with the native GUI and serve as a platform for making quick multi-os apps (I intend to do a Windows version at some point as well).
June 06, 23:39 | Comments (0)
Hot on the heels of my new corporate identity comes the corporate reference. One again, Martin proves that his a top-notch designer. The font used for writing Next Angle is one of his own creations. Smashing.

Like what you see? Write Martin and give him an offer for creating your new identity. For the right amount, I'm sure he'll be willing to moonlight a bit.
June 05, 11:05 | Comments (2)
It's never a real company before you have a logo. And preferably a good one. So by that definition, Next Angle is now a real company as my good friend, and master in the arts of logo design, Martin has finished his creation:
All it's lacking now is a type to write Next Angle with. Martin is one that as well. Thanks mate!
June 03, 13:59 | Comments (16)
This is the fourth release of Active Record in as many days. So while I perhaps didn't follow the first part of "release early, release often", I am surely following the latter. The same was true for Instiki, which underwent 9 releases in just two months. Open source has a habit of bringing that kind of rapid improvement to products.